RiverWalk Environmental Review and Design

Scenic Hudson is seeking the services of an environmental consulting firm to coordinate and produce all necessary materials for the State (State Environmental Quality Review [SEQR]) and Federal (National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA]) environmental review for the Westchester RiverWalk Connection, a high-profile, multi-million-dollar trail connection project in Tarrytown, NY. This includes but is not limited to all environmental review documents, including, if an environmental impact statement is necessary, scoping documents, Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) chapters, and any assessments, including but not limited to, historic/archaeological, hazardous materials, transportation, noise/vibration, environmental justice, and natural resources assessments. The scope also includes any necessary meetings and coordination with the review agencies, both under SEQR and NEPA, and community stakeholders.


Westchester RiverWalk is a planned 51-mile multi-use path along Westchester County’s Hudson River shoreline. Currently, about 32 miles of the trail are complete. The incomplete section most urgently in need of construction, and the subject of this RFP, is a 0.9-mile gap under the new Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge (GMMCB) between Green Street and the existing trail at Van Wart Avenue. Scenic Hudson and its partners have completed a Feasibility Study for the Westchester RiverWalk Connection, and conducting the environmental review is the next step.

In addition to the Feasibility Study, 30% design development documents were prepared for the three alternatives that were assessed during the Study. The firm that completed the Feasibility Study for the project and 30% design will be available as a resource during project kick-off, if needed, should technical questions arise.

Scenic Hudson is the project sponsor for the environmental review of the Westchester RiverWalk Connection and has secured a grant from Westchester County to fund the environmental review work.    The selected environmental consulting firm will be retained by Scenic Hudson (hereby known as the “Project Sponsor”) and managed by the Project Sponsor’s Representative, Indigo River Consulting LLC (Indigo River). Scenic Hudson anticipates hiring an environmental consulting firm within the next month to lead the team in all aspects of the SEQR and NEPA processes, including any necessary related studies, field investigations, and associated reports, and coordination with the Lead Agency and other involved and interested agencies under SEQR and NEPA.


Please provide your proposal via email, including the sections listed below, by 5 PM on Friday, February 10, 2023 to janzevino@scenichudson.org. Questions for Scenic Hudson on this RFP will be accepted up to Wednesday, February 1 and can also be directed to Jeff Anzevino at janzevino@scenichudson.org.

Note: The full RFP and the Feasibility Study attachments for the Project can be sent to interested parties upon request by emailing Jeff Anzevino.


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