APA NY Metro
Chapter-Only Membership
The APA New York Metro Chapter now offers Chapter-Only Membership for only $49.00 per year!
Planning Board Members, non-AICP planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, students, retired planners, community members and others who want to keep informed of planning issues can now do so without joining APA National.
Submit your information to join the APA-NY. Upon successful completion, you will be redirected our PayPal page where you can submit your payment of $49.00. We will be in touch once your application has been successfully processed, or if there are any issues with your application.
For Chapter-Only Membership fee please contact us at office@nyplanning.org
Chapter-Only members:
Receive the benefits of Chapter and Section programming, including e-mail communications about upcoming events and announcements.
Are eligible for member rates at Chapter conferences and all Chapter and Section sponsored events, educational seminars and meetings.
Can vote in Chapter elections and participate in all Section and Committee activities.
Cannot be officers of either the local Section or the Chapter
Are not members of the National American Planning Association, and are not eligible for any of the benefits exclusive to National APA members, such as Planning magazine, national communications (e.g. Interact), access to all areas of the APA website, or member rates at the national APA conference. AICP planners must be full members of APA.
New York Metro Chapter-Only Member benefits include:
Inclusion in the e-mail list for all New York Metro announcements and newsletters
Ability to attend chapter conferences at the member rate
Networking opportunities and social gatherings
Job, RFP, RFQ Postings and Announcements
Membership eligibility in local New York Metro Sections and committees
APA-NY Metro Sections: New York City | Long Island | Hudson Valley East | Hudson Valley West
Professional Development Opportunities including:
Reduced rates for Chapter Conferences and events
Workshops, webinars and other training opportunities
Student member programs
NY Metro Chapter and Section voting privileges