Rhode Island Statewide Complete Streets Plan
The Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (RIDSP), in cooperation with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) and the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA), looks to solicit consultant assistance to develop a Statewide Complete Streets Plan. The Plan will include the following elements:
Research state and national best practices in planning for and implementing Complete Streets and other tools, including appropriate practices for green streets such as inclusion of low-impact design elements, street trees, pervious surfaces, bioswales, and other climate resilient features.
Development of a statewide complete streets policy and vision
Recommended municipal complete streets policy
Recommendations to build state and municipal capacity to implement Complete Streets approaches and to strengthen relations between state transportation offices, municipalities, and the community.
Complete Streets design guidelines for various street types and for a street’s active zone (sidewalks), street zone, bikeways, and intersections.
Collect economic, crash, bus, and usage data on infrastructure projects that include significant complete streets elements to identify benefits.
Complete Streets prioritization methodology for project selection
Start Date : April 29, 2023 08:00:00 AM EDT
End Date : May 26, 2023 02:00:00 PM EDT
Search Solicitation RFP23002793 on: https://ridop.ri.gov/vendors/bidding-opportunities