AIANY APANYM Letter on COY for Economic Opportunity

September 12, 2023
Dear Chair Garodnick,

American Institute of Architects New York (AIANY) and American Planning Association New York Metropolitan Chapter (APANYM) write to express our support for Mayor Eric Adams’ proposed citywide zoning text amendment, City of Yes for Economic Opportunity.

The proposed changes in the amendment make much needed updates to modernize New York City’s zoning regulations to support small businesses, create thriving commercial corridors, and bolster NYC’s economic recovery.

AIANY and APANYM are particularly supportive of the proposals that would allow for more mixed-use potential in neighborhoods, permit more adaptive reuse, and develop a commercial streetscape framework that is pedestrian friendly.

In recent years, living patterns have shifted such that economic revitalization needs to be distributed throughout the city more evenly than how the city’s economy has existed in the past. City of Yes for Economic Opportunity would enable the city to unlock the economic potential in both historically economically significant neighborhoods and historically economically depressed neighborhoods. These proposals are ambitious and will require significant interagency coordination and collaboration as well as sufficient agency staff to be successful.

AIANY and APANYM will remain involved in these ongoing conversations to serve as advocates for City of Yes for Economic Opportunity and as a resource to provide insight and expertise whenever possible to ensure these ambitious proposals are achieved. While we support DCP’s proposals, we want to underscore the importance of having broad citywide support for these ideas by providing strategic incentives to allow these changes to flourish and active communication with the business community about these new opportunities for economic growth.

We applaud DCP’s leadership and staff for bringing forth the proposals within City of Yes for Economic Opportunity. We hope that the Community Boards, Borough Presidents, Planning Commission, and City Council vote to approve this zoning text amendment that enables New York City to modernize regulations to support a more dynamic economy.

Matthew Bremmer
2023 President, AIA New York; Founder, Architecture in Formation

Paul Onyx Lozito
President, American Planning Association New York Metropolitan Chapter

AIA New York Chapter
536 LaGuardia Place
New York, NY 10012
T (212) 683-0023
F (212) 696-5022

See the original announcement here.


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